The Parish Council sees its primary role as providing a democratic voice for the parishes and hamlets of Allerford, Lynch, Bossington, Selworthy, Tivington and Minehead Without.
The Parish Council aims to support and contribute towards the economic and social life of the community by providing services of the highest quality in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and value for money. The Parish Council conducts its business openly and democratically and will consult with the community where appropriate. It will respond to all matters brought to the Parish Council’s attention as effectively as possible. It will bring any matters needing attention to the notice of the relevant authorities.
Parish Councillors are volunteers who work for the benefit of the community and are either elected to office or co-opted to fill vacancies. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected annually at the Annual Parish Council meeting held in May.
The Parish Council is supported by a part-time Clerk, Jackie Fry. The Clerk is an officer of the Council and is responsible for implementation of the Council’s decisions, administration of the finances and advising on its policies and procedures.
Jackie Fry,